School Sponsorship Program
Education in Haiti can cost up to 40% of a family’s annual income. Often families are forced to choose between providing daily nutrition or an education for their children. The older a child, the more productive they can be in providing their families with income. Only 77% of children in Haiti participate in the primary grades (K-7th), and 25% of children attend grades 8th-13th.

Hosean International Ministries (HIM Haiti) wanted to change these statistics and opened College de la Grace. Twenty years later, HIM Haiti is educating over 1,100 students annually from grades K – 13. One of the top schools in Haiti, completely staffed by Haitian Teachers, College de la Grace boasts of 100% passing grades of the national exam.
Start Making A Difference!
We can’t do it without your help. The cost to keep College de la Grace open, educating and feeding over 1,100 students, and paying a fair wage to over 100 teachers and staff is over $15,000 per month.
You can make a real difference in the lives of these students and teachers by becoming a monthly partner with HIM Haiti. Here are three levels you can commit to today and start making a difference!
You can make a difference by coming alongside a Haitian family to help educate their child. As a Level 1 School Sponsor, you help a struggling family provide hope and a future for their children.
Your $35 monthly donation provides One Child with:
- School Uniform
- Nutritious Meal
- Some school supplies
You can make a difference by not only helping one student go to school, but also help feed children in need.
Your $75 monthly donation provides One Child with:
- School Uniform
- Nutritious Meal
- Some school supplies
- Plus, 7 Additional Children with a Nutritious Meal through our Lunch Program
You can make a difference by helping pay our teachers and staff a fair wage.
Your $150 monthly donation provides:
- Teachers and Staff a salary so they can support themselves and their family
- Nutritious Meal for a classroom of 20 students
Become a School Sponsorship Participant
For more information on how you can become a School Sponsorship Participant through Hosean International Ministries, please fill out the form below. One of our staff members will contact you within a week.
Get To Know Your Sponsored Student
As a Level 1 and Level 2 Sponsor, you will receive a picture of your student as well as progress reports and yearly report cards. Many students also write letters to their sponsors thanking them for their support and updating them on what is going on in their lives.
The best way to get connected with your student is to visit him/her in person! HIM Haiti offers the chance for visiting sponsors to meet their student, providing permission is given from the family. Many of HIM Haiti’s short-term mission trip volunteers have had the opportunity to meet their student, and sometimes their family at their home. This is an amazing experience and one that both the sponsor and the student never forget. You get to see the family you are helping, and your student becomes more than just a payment you make each month. You get to see they are beautiful, fun, intelligent kids who are just needing an opportunity like everyone else.